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  • Resume Tips

    In addition to actual responsibilities held in previous positions, include achievements under each job description. This "value-added" approach will help you effectively sell yourself to potential employers!
    Recruiters can arrange job interviews for you with potential employers faster when your resume reflects a background of related job skills and work experience. Therefore, it makes sense to highlight your skills, competencies and experience which are relevant to the job.
    Given below are some typical interview questions. 
    Tell me about yourself.
    This question is designed to learn how you think and why you think you are qualified for this job.  Use this opportunity to explain why you would be a good fit for the company and position.  Please remember that it is not appropriate to discuss personal things that aren’t related to the job. 
    What inspires you to work hard?
    Focus on job satisfaction & your career goals related answers rather than rewards. 
    Walk me through Your Resume.
    When an interviewer asks you this question, they want to understand your background, your career growth, your achievements, your competencies, skill sets and attitude that are relevant for this position. It would be a mistake, for example, to inform them why you chose your first job out of college if it is not directly related to why they should hire you for this position. 
    Why do you want to leave your current job? 
    It’s important to be honest, while remaining positive. Inform them that you are doing well in your present company and therefore you are not looking for a change but yes you are looking for opportunities. And if the opportunities are right you would be considering the offer. It is important to focus on the nature of your job change, career-growth rather than giving reasons such as poor work culture, lack of opportunities and to escape from a terrible boss. On the contrary speak well of your present company and your superiors.  It is alright to discuss challenges you are seeking that may have been previously lacking, but stay away from personal attacks.
    Why did you choose your career?
    The interviewer wants to know that you have chosen this career by design and not by default. And that it was a well thought out decision. If you did happen to just fall into this career, discuss how you made conscious choices to develop yourself in this career once in it. 
    What past accomplishments gave you satisfaction?
    For this question, it’s important to focus on work-related goal-achievement, rather than monetary or personal accomplishments.  Use examples from your past that show things you’ve done which made your department look good or had a positive impact on the company. 
    What are your strengths?
    Share with the interviewer attributes about yourself that make you a strong candidate for the position, again, focusing only on the professional rather than personal.  Share examples of how these strengths helped you in your performance and your career growth. 
    What are your weaknesses?
    Knowing your weaknesses is a positive attribute. Share one example of a weakness that you have overcome and its impact on business and your performance. 
    What do you know about our company?
    It is extremely important to research the company prior to the interview.  Share with them what you have learned about the company, highlighting anything relevant to that division or department.  Good things to know are the organization's products or services, who are their clients, the company’s vision, mission, goals and growth. 
    Why do you want to work for us?
    If you’ve done your research, then you know what it is about the company that attracts you.  It must be more than what the company can do for you – focus on how you can contribute to their goals. 
    Why should I hire you?
    Here cite examples from your past showing the contributions you’ve made to previous organizations and how you feel you could impact the company.  Focus on goals you’ve achieved and how they would benefit. 
    What are your qualifications for this position?
    This is the time to discuss past experiences, education, and skills that have prepared you to take on the challenges of this job.  Remember to stick to specific work-related examples. 
     Why do you want this job?
    Articulate why this job can be a win-win situation for both sides. Based on what you know about the job description and the company, discuss why you think you would excel in the position. 
    How do you handle pressure and stress?
    Keep your responses work-related. Talk about things you do to remove stress from your work-life, like coming in early on a day that is predictably going to be difficult, or preparation ahead of time to reduce stressful situations. Highlighting your strong communication skills and ability to remain calm under pressure as a way to combat stressful situations is also an excellent response. 
    Give an example of how you overcame a major obstacle.
    Here you can highlight your problem-solving skills.  Give examples of work-related situations that challenged you for which you successfully found a solution.  Stay away from personal challenges such as recovering from a divorce or illness. 
    Where do you see yourself five (ten or fifteen) years from now?
    It is important to show that you have a plan and you have career goals.  However, it is equally important that this job and company fit into that plan and that you show them how your plan will benefit them. 
    How do you characterize success?
    Stick to goal-achievement examples and stay away from monetary or reward responses here.
    What are your salary expectations?
    It’s typically not appropriate for you to bring up salary in an interview, but if you are asked, you must have an answer prepared.  Giving a specific number may hurt you so it’s best to give your last salary and say that you would like to have a reasonable increase.
    Along with these questions, you will likely be asked industry-specific questions relating to your knowledge of a specific software or process.  If you’ve been in the industry a while, these should be much more straight forward to answer, but just remember that all responses should highlight specific work-related examples showing how they will benefit from you. 
    How Sen Placement Can Help
    Our recruiters work with their candidates to make sure they have access to and understand the details of the position and can bring out relevant examples from their past experience that would highlight why this company would benefit from hiring them.
    Make First Impressions
    A good first impression - introduce yourself with a firm handshake and a friendly greeting.
    Try to remember the interviewers’ names and address them by their names.
    Have a positive attitude. Don't expect your qualifications and experience alone to get you the job.
    Keep an open mind - you may have pre-conceived ideas about the company, the job and the people but don't let that get in the way of having a good interview.
    Never say negative things about previous employers.
    Your body language can tell the interviewers a lot about what you are feeling. Remember to make direct eye contact with the person you are speaking to, and don't stare at the floor or the ceiling!
    Remember - you will not get a second chance to make a first impression.
    Asking Questions
    Make a list of questions you want to ask. This is your opportunity to impress, show you are interested, and to stand out from other candidates.
    Can you describe the company's structure, internal reporting and future plans?
    How would you describe the culture in the department?
    How do other roles in the department impact on mine?
    What training or induction is provided?
    What would my daily / weekly / monthly responsibilities be?
    How would my effectiveness be measured?
    What interaction would I have with other departments of the company, or with clients or suppliers?
    Where are the opportunities to progress within the company?
    Ask about salary and benefits if these have not been outlined to you.
    Ask what the next steps are in the selection process and when a decision on the outcome is likely to be made.
    When the interview is over thank the interviewer for their time, smile and give a firm handshake. Remember, last impressions are just as important as first!
    After your interview
    Contact your recruitment consultant to let them know how you got on.
    If there are any points which you are unsure of, or you don't think you put over clearly, let your consultant know - they may have the opportunity to clarify this with the employer on your behalf.


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